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What Is “Juice Jacking,” and Should I Avoid Public Phone Chargers?

“Is the juice worth the squeeze? That’s the question when it comes to public charging stations!”

Glenn Baruck, The eDot Family of Companies

Have I been “Juice Jacked”? That question is on the minds of many travelers and folks who frequent public meeting spots like your local coffee house or favorite sandwich shop. The threat is not new but has come to light again with the recent warning from the FBI issues last week.

While our smartphones continue to be our lifelines of communication and productivity, the need for convenient charging options on the go is as prominent as ever. With the growth of public charging options, “juice jacking” has become a potential threat to device security. In this article, Jason Fitzpatrick of explains what juice jacking is, how it works, and whether you should be worried about it. By understanding this cybersecurity risk, you can take steps to protect your devices and personal information while charging in public spaces.

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