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Should businesses prepare for potential shootings?

“Sadly, in light of the frequent mass shootings in the U.S., owners and managers of businesses of all sizes must address this difficult question.” 

Glenn Baruck, The eDot Family of Companies

In light of the ongoing crisis of mass shootings in the U.S. and with recent incidents highlighting the vulnerability of various establishments, it has become imperative for companies to prioritize the safety and security of their premises. Unfortunately, most business owners and their employees are unprepared for the reality that a mass shooting could happen at their place of business.

 This article by Kynala Phillips for and The Kansas City Star dives deep into the urgent need for enhanced perimeter security measures and explores why businesses should take proactive steps to prepare for such harrowing scenarios. Companies can create a safer environment for their employees, customers, and stakeholders by understanding the risks, evaluating vulnerabilities, and implementing effective security strategies.

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