School security: A focus on doors

“Technology is important, but some more basic prevention measures also prevent injuries and deaths when it comes to school and workplace violence.”

Glenn Baruck, The eDot Family of Companies

Amid the continued uptick in school shootings and violence, there are many concerns about preventing the next incident. In addition, administrators, school security leaders, parents and law enforcement are also looking for solutions that will minimize the impact of these events and increase the chances that shooters can be stopped before anyone is harmed.  

While technology continues to be a critical focus, according to security experts, there are a few simple considerations that administrators and school security leaders should not overlook. One of the most vital of these is doors. In this article by Maggie Shein for, the author provides additional insight into doors and their role in mitigating school shootings. This information seems applicable to businesses and organizations as they also look for better ways to ensure the safety of their employees.

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