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Are VPNs really secure?

“Cybercriminals know you’re using VPNs to protect yourself. Knowing that, the question now is, how safe are they?”

Glenn Baruck, DigiTek

Supplying devices for remote work teams is common practice for most organizations and has become even more prevalent since the onset of the pandemic. To protect systems, theft of critical data and against other cybersecurity concerns, often, company-issued gadgets are installed with virtual private networks (VPNs). The problem is if companies know this is good practice for cybersecurity, so do cybercriminals. Hence, recent studies show that cybercriminals are increasingly targeting VPNs to gain access to network resources. So now everyone is asking, “Are VPNs really secure?” To learn about VPN challenges and best practices for choosing the right VPN, check out this article by Brad Ree for

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